Workforce transformation in a climate of constant change

To remain competitive in an environment of rapid market shifts, 企业必须重新思考他们的组织目标,并迅速发展他们的企业目标.

劳动力转型是变革管理过程的基石, as people strategies strive to keep pace with organisational change.

我们与客户建立长期合作伙伴关系,帮助他们做出明智的决策, effective decisions about their future workforce.

Start with people:

We put people at the heart of our workforce transformation practices, enabling employers to create a fair, 公平的工作场所,让员工参与其中,并使他们发挥最佳水平.

Global expertise:

美世的专业人力资源咨询顾问在重新思考不同地区的组织设计方面拥有数十年的经验, 文化, languages and business sectors.

A personal approach:




New thinking blended with experience:


Partner with 美世 to drive workforce transformation

美世的劳动力转型顾问与客户建立了长期合作伙伴关系,帮助他们做出明智的决策, effective decisions about their future workforce.
  • Change management

    Become a more agile organisation by having the strategy, data, 有适当的政策和流程来有效地管理劳动力变化.
  • 文化

    We help employers create an authentic culture that builds trust, inspires your people and aligns with your corporate strategy.
  • 灵活的工作

    设计灵活的工作政策和实践,帮助人们以最佳状态工作, balance consistency with local management discretion, and form part of an agile organisational culture.
  • Internal talent marketplace

  • Organisational design

    一个灵活的, 适当技能的劳动力将更好地适应业务需求和组织设计的变化.
  • 人的策略

  • Strategic workforce planning

  • 工作设计

    重新设计工作,确保它对人们来说是有意义和可持续的, 支持更快的业务决策,并帮助您的组织变得更加敏捷.
  • Workforce analytics

    Create a lasting competitive advantage, 通过劳动力分析,改善劳动力规划,更好地了解您未来的技能和人才需求.

文化, 变更管理 and the future of work

Creating a positive brand, driving employee engagement and performance, 营造一个积极的工作环境都直接影响到企业的盈利能力.

没有劳动力转型的业务变革将导致人才缺口,从而阻碍雇主实现其战略的能力.  美世 helps organisations address the challenges they face:



随着组织目标和宗旨的演变,其未来的技能需求也将发生变化. In a competitive employment market, employers must identify the skills they need, 他们什么时候需要这些技能,以及如何将这些技能带入当前的劳动力队伍.

企业需要开发灵活的工作方式,使员工能够以最佳状态工作.  灵活的工作也为吸引更广泛的人才提供了机会, and create a more inclusive workforce.

为了应对不断变化的市场,企业需要更加敏捷和灵活. 这意味着要重新审视工作场所的结构,重新设计组织结构, 反过来, requires workforce transformation.

创造一个积极的工作环境是吸引和留住员工的关键. Employers can build on their existing culture, 或者重新开始设计一个理想的工作场所,并确定将使他们的企业成为一个伟大的工作场所的行为.

Even in a time of unprecedented change, 雇主需要用有关内部和外部劳动力市场的可靠数据来支持他们的决策, skills taxonomies and future workforce planning.

Workforce transformation starts here

The scale and speed of workforce transformation can be daunting, especially when it is part of an entire organisational redesign.

Prioritise workforce 变更管理

Understand what will make you an employer of choice, 留住现有的员工,培养你需要的技能,使你的员工与未来的业务目标保持一致.


Take a data-driven approach

Data is the bedrock of well-structured workforce transformation.

美世 works with businesses to collect, 基准和解释定性和定量的人员数据. 这为有关文化、劳动力规划和组织设计的决策提供了信息.

Our latest insights on workforce transformation


