How planning and purpose can win the war for talent 


Changing skills profiles, 英国劳动力萎缩和企业转型都加剧了人才争夺战.

随着企业努力在动荡的市场中变得更有弹性,他们吸引的方式, engage, develop and retain top talent is crucial to future business success.

In parallel, 新冠疫情让许多员工重新考虑他们的就业期望和与工作的关系. 他们不太愿意留在职业发展有限的岗位上, or to tolerate poor workplace behaviours, and in a competitive talent market are able to decide how, when – and who - they work for.

With both employee and corporate values undergoing such significant shifts, there are five key areas of focus for HR, that will position organisations for success in the war for talent.

  • discover the drivers of employee engagement
  • plan for future skills needs
  • build an inclusive workplace
  • create continuous learning opportunities
  • rethink reward and benefits

Talent management in the spotlight

We can look at those five areas of focus in more depth:
  • Discover the drivers of employee engagement 

    Covid-19 and the cost of living crisis have affected people’s morale, wellbeing and their engagement with work. It has made many employees re-evaluate their priorities, such as flexible working, and organisations are having to rethink employee engagement as a result.

    Building a positive culture that connects, or reconnects, 员工与他们的工作环境将留住人才,并吸引未来的劳动力.

  • Plan for future skills needs

    The unexpected shocks of Covid-19, together with long-term trends such as digitalisation, have shaken up critical skills sets. 它还表明,在一个不断中断的世界里,知识需求的变化速度有多快.

    By understanding how business needs will evolve, employers can predict the skills they will need to make change happen. Organisations can then proactively reskill and upskill employees, rather than reactively relying on external recruitment to fill skills gaps.

  • Build an inclusive workplace
    Creating an inclusive workplace is a vital part of the war for talent, 确保组织招聘最优秀的技能和经验,而不考虑其特点和环境. By supporting different employee groups, such as parents and carers, employers can retain skills and experience, build compelling career paths for everyone in the organisation.
  • Continuous learning opportunities and career pathways

    茁壮成长的员工可能在支持职业中期变动的文化中工作, and be exposed to an ongoing culture of learning and growth.

    这也意味着让一线经理具备支持和实现持续学习的能力, ensuring everyone has equal access to learning and development, and rethinking career structures for a more agile skills-focused future.

  • Rethink reward and benefits
    员工福利是企业文化的一部分,在人才争夺战中提供宝贵的优势. 从养老金缴款到对完成工作表示感谢的原则, they are a powerful signal that a company thinks about the person, not just the payslip, and wants to help employees thrive for the future.
随着企业努力在动荡的市场中变得更有弹性,他们吸引的方式, engage, develop and retain top talent is crucial to future business success.
Kerry Ghize

UK Career Leader, Mercer

The what and how of winning the war for talent

探讨组织在未来人才规划中需要采取的九项关键行动.  Mercer’s extensive consultant expertise, 市场数据和基准测试功能意味着我们可以支持您制定行动计划,以吸引和留住敏捷者, resilient workforce.
  • Listen to employees

    What? By listening to their people, 企业可以了解是什么激励了当前的人才,并找到改善文化的方法, benefits and career opportunities to retain them.

    How? Pulse surveys, employee networks, 面对面的交谈和直线经理的反馈都有助于建立员工敬业度的图景,并为未来的战略提供信息.

  • Re-evaluate the Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

    What? 传统上,组织对他们的执行副总裁采取了一刀切的方法. 随着组织建立更好的数据,了解员工的需求范围和优先事项, it will become clear that a catch-all EVP will no longer work.

    如何:审查执行副总裁并探索使其更加个性化的方法将有助于吸引新客户, diverse talent and create a more inclusive environment.

  • Understand the potential of your workforce

    What? 员工通常拥有丰富的技能,超出了他们目前的角色,并渴望发展新的专业知识. 有远见的雇主认识到他们的员工中已经存在的巨大潜力,以及如何利用它来促进未来的发展.

    How? Take a data-driven approach to understand the potential of your employees, 这如何符合未来的需求,并确定重新培训和提高员工技能的方法,以进一步发展他们的才能.

  • Create new approaches to recruitment

    What? 即使是拥有强大内部技能发展的组织,有时也需要从外部招聘. New skills and talent needs may also mean changing recruitment methods.

    How? Explore ways to take advantage of regional areas of excellence, both locally and globally, as well as reviewing the inclusivity of your recruitment strategies.

  • Transition from jobs to skills

    What? As organisations become more agile, 内部人才市场和基于技能而不是工作角色的职业发展将变得更加重要.

    How? 重新思考工作架构和结构,专注于技能单元,打破传统的不灵活的结构. 对员工未来需要的技能保持透明,并授权他们发展这些技能,这样他们就能充满信心地走向未来.

  • Evolve flexible working

    What? Covid-19 forced remote and flexible working on employees and employers alike. In some organisations, that accelerated existing trends; for others it demanded an immediate change of systems, 工作设计和管理风格,现在必须重新调整,以形成EVP的永久部分.

    How? Employers must evolve their approach to flexible working as part of their EVP and to attract a wide and inclusive talent base. Creating more flexible approaches to retirement, such as part-time working, will also help to retain experienced practitioners and attract older workers.

  • Create a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace

    What? Pay, recruitment and opportunity gaps can all impact people retention, company reputation and future talent attraction.

    How? 整理和分析劳动力数据,优先考虑和解决与性别或种族等特征相关的差距, or the impact of being a parent and carer.

  • Build an authentic culture

    What? 创建一个强大的企业品牌是吸引潜在员工的重要组成部分——但前提是它是真实的. 雇主传达的信息与为企业工作的实际经历之间的不匹配,会损害企业的声誉,并可能影响未来对人才的吸引力.

    How? Encourage transparency, share experiences and listen to employees, to understand how to continue to evolve a positive culture. Managers that create trust, 心理安全,鼓励员工的职业生涯和技能发展,对留住人才起着至关重要的作用.

  • Identify and communicate high impact employee benefits

    What? 在人才争夺战中,为员工提供与劳动力相关的福利,并提供足够的灵活性,以满足不同的需求,这是一个与众不同的因素. And, 重要的是要有效地传达利益,以帮助人们了解他们所提供的全部价值, including learning opportunities.

    How? 美世丰富的数据可以帮助您在本部门和其他希望吸引同样技能的公司之间,对贵组织提供的福利进行基准测试. 我们可以帮助您清晰地展示福利,并以最大化员工价值的方式帮助您留住人才.

2 in 5

2 in 5 HR directors don’t know what skills they have in their workforce


在英国,他们对组织的政策和支持系统感到满意,以实现远程, hybrid or other flexible ways of working.

(source: Mercer People Risk survey 2022)

Kerry Ghize

- Partner, UK Career Leader, Mercer

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