How 美世 is driving diversity, equity and 包容

性别收入差距, 缺乏多样性, 包容问题——所有这些, 和更多的, are challenges being faced by companies of all sizes.

我们的使命是通过全面关注职业发展,建立和支持公平、包容的员工队伍,帮助企业茁壮成长, 健康和财务状况.

Find out how 美世 can help your organisation evolve through the adoption of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy.

DEI in the workplace – 美世 your DEI consultant

We know most UK organisations say they are focused on improving diversity, 公平与包容, 然而, only half of UK organisations have a multi-year DEI strategy.

Our mission is to help organisations attract, 通过全面关注职业发展,建设和支持公平、包容的劳动力队伍,促进和留住多元化人才, 健康和财务状况.

We believe that when people thrive, businesses and societies thrive.

Accelerate diversity, equity and 包容


Upholding diversity, equity and 包容 is the third top HR priority globally for 2023


Yet, less than one third of companies have a DEI strategy





美世可以帮助您制定路线图,通过机会实现全面的DEI战略, 经验, pay and 健康和财务状况 interventions and outcomes.

美世’s data-led insights can help you understand what needs to be done. 我们的见解被公司用来设计包容性文化,其中包含问责制.


We use data-led insights to understand the current state of DEI in your organisation. 我们的做法是:

Pay gap, equal pay and pay equity support

美世 provides pay gap legislation support, pay programme audits and for a truly rigorous, 非常高效。, global pay remediation approach – pay equity. 我们的薪酬公平方法决定了解释的薪酬差距-由于角色类型的薪酬差异, 资格, 经验——以及无法解释的薪酬差距——一种无法用合理因素解释的剩余薪酬差距.

Mapping your internal labour market and workforce projections

Assess the differences in hiring, 组织内不同人口群体之间的晋升和更替,并使用劳动力预测来估计未来劳动力的构成.

一个组织的内部劳动力市场(ILM)地图可以让我们一目了然地了解你的劳动力. ILM maps help track changes over time to mark progress. 我们还使用劳动力预测来根据种族、性别、年龄等来估计您未来的劳动力.

Finding out what your employees think: Employee listening and virtual focus groups

美世 provides virtual focus group technology that enables a live, 匿名, virtual “collective conversation” with hundreds of colleagues globally.

我们进行预配置, 现成的调查,使组织能够了解员工对DEI关键问题(如性别和多样性)的态度.

Finding out where your company is: Policy and practices benchmarks and audit

Measure how your organisation’s policies and practices compare with global, regional and industry survey results to identify key areas of DEI strategic opportunities. 衡量贵组织的政策和实践与全球和地区同行相比如何, with industry survey results from around 1,200 companies across 54 countries. This can help you identify key areas of DEI strategic opportunity.

美世 can create an inclusive culture that places diversity, 公平和包容前沿, back and centre of your organisation. 我们的做法是:

Introducing an inclusive culture framework and robust pay equity practices

我们着眼于三个关键领域——行为模式、工作环境和文化情感. 一项全面的多年DEI战略使文化变革超越了政策或方案变革,以支持全面的机会和待遇平等.

Bias-free talent management practices and policies

在许多组织中,女性和有色人种员工在劳动力中的代表性不足. 随着职业水平的上升,这些同事的性别和种族比例急剧下降. 他们通常得到较低的绩效评价和薪酬,他们觉得自己在工作中不受重视.

美世 can benchmark and redesign your HR policies and people practices, ensuring your organisation can reduce bias and attract and retain top talent.

Global inclusive leadership training




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We believe that the success of 包容 training relies on the ‘true to life’ 经验. So, 我们将与您共同打造领导力发展之旅,为您的98858威尼斯70570带来影响力和可见的包容性.


All-employee ‘let’s talk about race’ sessions

美世在设计和构建跨关键主题的混合式学习方面拥有专业知识——根据客户的优先事项为员工提供技能提升支持. 我们基于群体的方法可以为领导者、管理者和员工提供具体的结果. 这些会议将为旁观者培训和包容性领导等主题的一系列讨论和会议奠定基础.

The design internal/external DEI transparency and disclosure strategy



DEI仪表板可以帮助领导者确定具体的数据驱动和有影响力的行动,以推动变革,并使他们能够跟踪组织的DEI愿望的进展. 美世 can help you establish the DEI data and metrics to focus on. Organisational leaders receive DEI dashboards that include the in-flow, 你的人才在组织的不同层次的不同分组中的流动和流出, sliced by gender and race/ethnicity. The dashboards also break down key metrics, such as which types of roles are likely to lead to advancement to higher levels.

Holistic internal and external communication strategy and implementation

在一起, 我们开发周到和系统的参与评估员工的组织的DEI之旅. 拥有透明和相关的变革管理方法有助于领导者制定沟通策略并相应地投入资源. 有效的沟通通过清晰、开放和对领导的信任来推动参与.

Linking executive rewards to DEI goals

通过以数据为导向的目标和结果来衡量公司的DEI战略,从而对领导层负责, and reward leaders when the strategy is achieved.

Put your employee at the centre of everything you do

Attracting and retaining top talent remains difficult for many organisations. 在一段动荡时期之后, 现在比以往任何时候都重要, organisations must put the employee at the centre of everything they do.

必须为员工和未来人才提供明确的价值主张,以回答“为什么是我们”?’, and to feel they belong and can thrive at work. Thriving employees work in an inclusive, 灵活的工作环境,强烈的使命感和重视学习的机会. 一种基于多样性平等和包容性的包容性文化必须是灵活的,并根据员工的不同需求量身定制, resonating at every stage in the employee 经验.

We can support you to co-create a holistic, data driven DEI strategy that fully aligns to your wider employee value proposition:

  • Create staying power through a unique proposition with purpose.
  • Create a differentiated 经验.
  • Provide a competitive compensation and benefits offering with true flexibility.

Our latest insights on diversity, equity and 包容


    Get in touch to learn more about our diversity, equity and 包容 solutions.